nat20 Reference

Primary interface to Pixels dice.

async for scan in scan_for_dice():

async with scan.connect() as die:
class nat20.Pixel(sr: ScanResult)[source]

Class for a pixel die.

Do not construct directly, use scan_for_dice() to find the die you want and then use ScanResult.connect() to get an instance.

property address: str

The MAC address (UUID on macOS) of the die.

batt_level: int

Current battery level as a percent

batt_state: BatteryState

Current battery percent

Do an ad-hoc blink animation.

  • color – The color to flash, in 0xRRGGBB

  • count – The number of blinks to perform, or ... to go until cancelled

  • duration – The time of each on-off loop, in seconds

  • fade – The amount of time to spend fading, as a ‘percent’ (0-255) of a half-loop

  • led_mask – A bitmask of which LEDs to blink (1 means blink it, 0 means ignore it)

The blink will always have a 50% duty cycle.


This only blocks until the die acknowledges the command, not until the animation is finished.


Different animations can overlay each other and run in parallel.

Blinks rainbow, suitable for die identification.

  • brightness – 0-255, 0 is off, 255 is max brightness

  • loop – Whether to loop or just run once


This only blocks until the die acknowledges the command, not until the animation is finished.

build_timestamp: datetime

Timestamp of when the firmware was built.

async calibrate_face(face: int) None[source]

Calibrate a specific face.

The die must be resting on a flat, level surface with the noted face up.

async connect()[source]

Connect to die

connect_with_reconnect() AsyncGenerator[Self, None][source]

Connect to the die and make an effort to automatically reconnect.


set[str]) Any of the props changed, giving the set of which ones





design_and_color: DesignAndColor

The aesthetic design of the die

async disconnect()[source]

Disconnect from die


() We’ve been unexpectedly disconnected from the die.



property face_count: int

The total number of faces

property flavor: DieFlavor

The kind of die this is, like D20 or Pipped D6

async get_battery_level() BatteryLevel[source]

Request the current battery level.

async get_roll_state() RollState[source]

Request the current roll state.

async get_rssi() int[source]

Request the RSSI the die sees.

async get_temperature() tuple[float, float][source]

Get the current temperatue of the die microcontroller and battery, in degrees Celsius.


BatteryLevel) A new BatteryState has been sent.






RollState) A new RollState has been sent.





property is_connected: bool

Are we currently connected to the die?

led_count: int

Number of LEDs

name: str

The textual name of the die.


Callable[[OkCancel], None]) The die has something to tell the user.





pixel_id: int

The factory-assigned die ID

roll_face: int

Current face that’s up, starting at 0. Validity depends on roll_state.

roll_state: RollState_State

Current roll state

async set_name(name: str) None[source]

Change the name of the die.

async start_calibration() None[source]

Start the calibration process.

Note that this method only _starts_ it. Interaction will occur via the notify_user event. The die will not function normally until the calibration is completed or times out.

async stop_all_animations() None[source]

Stops any animations currently running, regardless of source.

to_batterylevel() BatteryLevel[source]

Repackages the battery information.

Note that updated information hasn’t been received, the state can only be BatteryState.Ok or BatteryState.Charging.

to_rollstate() RollState[source]

Repackages the rolling information.

async who_are_you() IAmADie[source]

Perform a basic info query

class nat20.ScanBattState(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

The charge state of the battery.

Charging = 1

The battery is charging

Ok = 0

The battery is discharging

as_batterystate() BatteryState[source]

Repackage as a BatteryState.

Note that due to data fidelity, the state can only be BatteryState.Ok or BatteryState.Charging.

class nat20.ScanResult(_device: bleak.backends.device.BLEDevice, name: str, led_count: int, design_and_color: nat20.messages.DesignAndColor, roll_state: nat20.messages.RollState_State, roll_face: int, batt_state: nat20.ScanBattState, batt_level: int, pixel_id: int, build_timestamp: datetime.datetime)[source]
batt_level: int

The level of the battery, as a percent

batt_state: ScanBattState

The charge state of the battery

build_timestamp: datetime

The build date of the firmware

design_and_color: DesignAndColor

The aesthetic design of the die

property face_count: int

The total number of faces

property flavor: DieFlavor

The kind of die this is, like D20 or Pipped D6

hydrate() Pixel[source]

Constructs a full Pixel class for this die.

led_count: int

The number of LEDs and faces

name: str

The name of the die

pixel_id: int

The unique ID of the die

roll_face: int

The current face (starting at 0)

roll_state: RollState_State

The motion of the die

to_batterylevel() BatteryLevel[source]

Repackages the battery information.

Note that due to data fidelity, the state can only be BatteryState.Ok or BatteryState.Charging.

to_rollstate() RollState[source]

Repackages the rolling information.

async nat20.scan_for_dice() AsyncIterable[ScanResult][source]

Search for dice. Will scan forever as long as the iterator is live.

For timeouts, asyncio.timeout() might be helpful.